For a few hyperloops more…

For a few hyperloops more…

March 06, 201610 mins

[Editor’s note: The prequel to this post is Softly, as in a spiritual sunrise (a low-key announcement of a personal ultra run on Nov 27, 2015. This post was written in 4 sessions: Part 1 (on Jan…

Softly, as in a spiritual sunrise

Softly, as in a spiritual sunrise

November 15, 20152 mins

Two years ago, I ran in 3 races. Last year it came down to two. This year I ran the Kaveri Trail Marathon and it’s my first (and last) race for the year. My running goal for 2015 was rather basic…

Stumbling upon LSD

Stumbling upon LSD

October 22, 20152 mins

After the ignominious end to my debut cross country run, the rest of the day was a daze. An unpleasant cocktail of emotions enveloped me.. Shame, defeat, dejection, inadequacy, self-pity dominated…

Understanding meat eaters through the lapsed vegetarian lens

Understanding meat eaters through the lapsed vegetarian lens

October 22, 20152 mins

[Editor’s note: This is the first in a series on vegetarians, omnivores, food habits, diets adopted by successful athletes (bias towards runners of course), perhaps eventually leading to a…

Poetry in tortuous motion

Poetry in tortuous motion

October 07, 20151 mins

I parked the car, got the kids’ bags from the trunk and walked them over to the school gate. As we crossed the median, my runner friend B went hurtling past. He was obviously doing a speed workout. I…

When finishing fourth became a game changer

When finishing fourth became a game changer

August 11, 20153 mins

April 1991 After years of asthma suffering, things seem to be turning around. I was still living in a city with cold winters but.. I had started making an effort. Picked up that beautiful sport called…

Death of a soldier doesn’t sell, period.

Death of a soldier doesn’t sell, period.

June 06, 20155 mins

[Editor’s Note: Last week we had a kerfuffle in our high school Whatsapp group. The Minority Report voiced the ‘unpopular’ notion that the armed forces are a bunch of attention seeking spoilt brats. I…

Minimalist in a maximal world

Minimalist in a maximal world

April 05, 20157 mins

[Editor’s Note: I’ve been meaning to write this post for sometime. This needs mention because this post has the rare distinction of having only a 2 week gestation period (the median post is more like…