Tiny Habits, as explained by Goscinny & Uderzo

Tiny Habits, as explained by Goscinny & Uderzo

May 31, 20201 mins

If you’ve not heard about Dr. BJ Fogg or Tiny Habits, let me suggest this 800-word primer on the habit guru’s key principles. If you are struggling with an unambiguous definition of tiny, the masters…

Experiments in Tiny Habits

Experiments in Tiny Habits

August 14, 20143 mins

I once audited a class at Stanford. The year was 2007. I was in the midst of a startup (Graspr.com – an attempt to create a ‘howto slice’ of Youtube), yet I was intrigued enough to take that class. It…

Of leaky boats and writing in the connected age

Of leaky boats and writing in the connected age

June 04, 20122 mins

Pic: courtesy telegraph.co.uk A writer is tasked with writing an article. His progress is akin to a man’s exertions on a paddle boat. Smooth rowing strokes at rhythmic intervals gets him closer and…

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